Free Streaming Barbie and the Secret Door in Best Quality
Now you can enjoy Barbie and the Secret Door in High Quality Video with duration 81 Min and has been launched in 2014-09-16 and MPAA rating is 4.- Original Title : Barbie and the Secret Door
- Movie title in your country : Barbie and the Secret Door
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Adventure, Animation, Fantasy, Family,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-09-16
- Companies of movie :
- Countries of movie :
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 81 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.5
- Youtube ID of movie : vxYw2YoRK8A
- Translation of movie : EN,SV,IT,ES,FR,DE,PT,HU,NL,RU,PL,FI,DA,CS,EL,
- Cast of movie :
Name Character Kelly Sheridan : Alexa (Voice) Brittany McDonald : Singing Alexa (Voice) Ashleigh Ball : Nori (Voice) Chanelle Peloso : Romy (Voice) Tabitha St. Germain : Malucia (Voice) Ellie King : Grandmother (Voice)
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Movie synopsis of Barbie and the Secret Door :
Best Barbie and the Secret Door in HD Video with movie summary "It's the ultimate fairytale musical! Barbie stars as Alexa, a shy princess who discovers a secret door in her kingdom and enters a whimsical land filled with magical creatures and surprises. Inside, Alexa meets Romy and Nori, a mermaid and a fairy, who explain that a spoiled ruler named Malucia is trying to take all the magic in the land. To her surprise, Alexa has magical powers in this world, and her new friends are certain that only she can restore their magic. Discover what happens when Alexa finds the courage to stand up for what's right and learns that the power of friendship is far more precious than magic." in HD video. Play full Barbie and the Secret Door in Best Look by visiting the download link.
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Director : Karen J. Lloyd,
Sure, now you can view movie associated with Barbie and the Secret Door completely length and get the connection to this movie Barbie and the Secret Door in High Quality Video.
Tags: musical, barbie,
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